Nanovna network analyzer
Nanovna network analyzer

nanovna network analyzer

  • Material, geological, life-science, and food sciences tissue imaging penetrating scan and radar.
  • Electronics component, assembly, systems, and interface/interconnect ATE (cable, PCB, and wireless).
  • Inspection, test, characterization, and calibration in the manufacture, distribution, and service center industries:.
  • Manufacturers needing to integrate a reflectometry or transmission measurement core.
  • Test automation, including multiple VNA control and measurement.
  • With their remote automation capability, they are also attractive in applications such as: The PicoVNAs' small size, lightweight, and low cost suit them to field service, installation test, OEM embedded, and classroom applications. Vector Network Analysis in the field, the workplace or as embedded function
  • Confident measurement based on traceable data for all calibration and check standards.
  • Guided 8/12-term, SOLT, TRL, and TRM calibrations including unknown-through.
  • nanovna network analyzer

    Male and female SOLT and automated E-Cal calibration standards.Phase meter, P1dB, AM to PM, and stand-alone signal generator utilities.Dual-frequency mixer measurements with VSWR correction (PicoVNA 108).Save on trigger for high-speed device profiling (PicoVNA 108).Up to 4 live + 4 memory traces on dual y-axis display channels.Time domain and port impedance transformations.Reference plane offsetting and de-embedding.Half-rack, small-footprint, lightweight package.0.005 dB RMS trace noise at a maximum bandwidth of 140 kHz.Up to 124 dB dynamic range at 10 Hz bandwidth.Quad RX four-receiver architecture for best accuracy.High speed, up to 5500 dual-port S-parameters per second.PicoVNA: High performance, portability, and low cost

    Nanovna network analyzer